Facial recognition is a branch of applied machine learning that deals with the detection and recognition of human faces. This technology has opened up a whole new world of fascinating opportunities and challenges for governments, businesses and individuals alike. We increasingly rely on facial recognition technology in our daily lives, whether to unlock our phones, tag friends on social media or go through customs. If you are a business leader wondering about the hype surrounding facial recognition systems in Singapore and their practical applications, we’ve got you covered. Let’s explore what face recognition technology is and how it is used to enhance security.
What is Facial Recognition?
Facial recognition is defined as a technology that can recognise or authenticate a subject through an image, video, or any audiovisual feature of their face. In general, FR systems are used to get access to an application, system, or service. It is a biometric identification technique that verifies a person’s identity by using body measurements – in this case, the face and the head. Facial recognition systems in Singapore acquire a variety of distinct biometric data related to a person’s face and facial expression in order to identify, verify, or authenticate them.
Similar to facial recognition, other forms of biometric identification methods include voice, fingerprint, and retina or iris recognition. Although these technologies are mainly used for security, there is growing interest in other areas of application.
How Does Facial Recognition Work?
The process of facial recognition involves multiple steps and several specialised sub-systems.
1. Detection / Tracking
This pre-processing step is responsible for identifying and tracking faces in the provided image or video file. After this stage, it is certain that the given input has a face and may be processed further. If necessary, the tracking phase can also be utilised to detect specific facial expressions, features, or portions of a face.
2. Alignment
The challenge of facial recognition is worsened by the fact that faces in an image or a video do not follow any guidelines. Face detection becomes even more difficult when a person is zoomed in or out, peeking from behind a tree, or appearing in a side profile. This is where face alignment comes into play. It reveals the contours of the facial features as well as where the face lines are within the provided image or video.
3. Feature Extraction
This stage of the process, also known as the recognition stage, entails extracting specific facial features, such as the eyes, nose, and lips, into a format that algorithms can use in the next step. At this phase, the computer has already gathered enough complex data to distinguish one face from another.
4. Feature Matching / Classification
At this stage, the feature extraction inputs are matched against the provided database in order to identify the person. This phase is also known as classification since the algorithm may be required to categorise faces rather than identify them individually. Once this process is completed, it will make sure whether or not the specified face is in the database.
Facial Recognition in Video Analytics
Facial recognition is widely utilised in video analytics for many different purposes, including security surveillance, access management and authentication. It can assist with the detection and prevention of crimes, offer a more personalised consumer experience, and enhance public safety. However, FR systems also pose a number of ethical and social concerns, including privacy, consent, and bias. Therefore, facial recognition in video analytics requires extensive regulation and governance to ensure responsible and ethical use.
Nowadays, video analytics technology is improving and evolving due to its integration with artificial intelligence. AI algorithms assist in detecting faces and tracking persons in the frame until the recognition model execution is complete. With the help of artificial intelligence, face recognition requires less time and can even perform side or tilt face identification. Moreover, the incorporation of body recognition analytics into facial recognition technology systems has simplified matters. Before utilising facial recognition, algorithms can now swiftly analyse features such as clothes and body mass to narrow down the search to images with the face visible. Therefore, body recognition is being used more often to improve facial recognition technology solutions.
Use Cases of Facial Recognition Systems in Singapore
Here are some real-life applications of how facial recognition technology can be used to enhance security.
Mobile Devices
Numerous mobile phone manufacturers utilise face recognition technology in order to manage access to personal data on the phone. In the event that a phone is stolen or misplaced, the technology ensures that sensitive data remains inaccessible and provides a strong means to secure personal data.
Law Enforcement
Law enforcement often employs facial recognition systems in Singapore, specifically when it comes to collecting mugshots from offenders and comparing them to various face recognition databases. Officers can also use mobile or portable devices to photograph a driver or pedestrian in the field and quickly compare the image to one or more face recognition databases for identification. Furthermore, facial recognition technology can be utilised to locate missing people and victims of human trafficking.
Facial recognition technology has become commonplace in airports around the world, including Singapore. More and more travellers are using biometric passports, which allow them to bypass the usual long lineups. In addition to minimising wait times, FR systems also allow airports to enhance their security.
Elevate Your Business Security with the Best Facial Recognition System in Singapore
SPIRALTECH is a reputable firm in Singapore that specialises in full-service IP video solutions. Our offerings include video analytics, artificial intelligence, and facial recognition. We also serve as a distributor for a variety of products, including hemispheric cameras, commonly known as 360 cameras, and cloud bridge hardware. Our facial recognition system is an effective and easy-to-use security solution that facilitates real-time threat detection. You can also utilise our video analytics and artificial intelligence solutions to improve the effectiveness of your security system. We have a team of committed and well-trained engineers ready to walk you through our solutions, from installation to maintenance. If you wish to learn more about what we do, get in touch with us at +65 64441836 today!