When looking for the ideal video solution for a business, it is important to understand how some of the latest developments in surveillance camera technology are revolutionising security operations. It is a known fact that IP video surveillance systems provide various benefits, including higher resolution, secure access, efficient storage, and centralised video management. In today’s constantly evolving market, selecting the best surveillance solution can be challenging. As we reach the ‘next era of video surveillance,’ it is evident that certain segments of the market are advancing with some of the most remarkable innovations, such as hemispheric cameras, also known as 360 cameras. 

What is a Hemispheric Camera

A hemispheric camera is a 360-degree security surveillance camera that is capable of capturing a full 360-degree view of its surroundings. In contrast to standard fixed-angle cameras, which have a limited field of view, these cameras provide a comprehensive panoramic view, which allows one to monitor a wide area without blind spots. To record a wide-angle view in a single frame, they utilise specialised lenses and image sensors. Hemispheric cameras span both horizontal and vertical ranges and provide a full view of the monitored environment. Users can also zoom in and rotate within the captured footage for a more in-depth look at specific areas. 

Along with hemispheric cameras, fisheye cameras and virtual PTZ cameras are also utilised for 360-degree camera surveillance. Fisheye cameras are defined by their ultra-wide-angle lenses, which allow for dynamic viewing angles in video surveillance. Their images are generally warped, creating the effect of a fisheye. PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) cameras have motors that enable smooth movement in several directions. Their functions allow them to cover a vast area and take close-ups without compromising image quality. The virtual PTZ cameras are controlled using a dedicated joystick, mobile app, or software.

Benefits of 360-Degree Video Surveillance 

360-degree cameras are becoming increasingly popular due to their functionality and the number of benefits they provide. Whether you are new to the technology or already familiar with it, there is always more to learn about how it enables users to improve their security efforts. So, let us delve into the different ways that 360-degree video surveillance can enhance your business security.

1. Full Coverage 

360-degree video surveillance devices, such as hemispheric cameras, allow operators to dynamically monitor the entire scene or identify the view they require and zoom in for a closer look without compromising visual quality. This ability is known as ‘dewarping.’ Moreover, there are no blind spots, which is a drawback of many PTZ cameras due to their narrow field of view. With complete coverage, you can obtain panoramic images that encompass the intended surveillance area. As a result, there is no need to stitch images together, ensuring consistent brightness, contrast, and smooth motion throughout the scene. Some refer to it as increased visibility or the basis for situational awareness. 

2. Enhanced Situational Awareness 

A full 360-degree view lays the groundwork for improving situational awareness in a company’s security operations. With panoramic video, operators can observe what exactly is happening in their environment, either in real-time or retrospectively. Video Management Systems (VMS) that support client-side dewarping can save full panoramic images, making them accessible later for further analysis and a better understanding of people’s behavioural patterns. Furthermore, when combined with advanced analytics, 360-degree surveillance provides users with unique insights about their facilities. With comprehensive and actionable data, you can quickly spot suspicious events and improve decision-making. 

3. Cost-Saving 

As 360-degree surveillance provides a broader field of view, it requires fewer cameras and infrastructure to monitor a given area. Using devices such as hemispheric cameras helps many organisations lower their camera count by 50% or more. While the initial cost will be reduced due to fewer cameras, maintenance costs will also be kept to a minimum over the system’s lifetime. Furthermore, hemispheric cameras help to reduce network bandwidth requirements by using lower frame rates when there is little or no activity.

4. Advanced Onboard Technologies 

Companies seek features in a video solution that not only improve image quality but also allow cameras to act as eyes for what operators cannot see at all times. Insufficient video surveillance systems can cost businesses time, money, and other resources. Therefore, camera technology must utilise the best quality features in order to deliver useful footage and effective security. In such a situation, 360-degree cameras offer some of the most innovative advancements available today.

  • High-Speed Frame Rate

You can view live and recorded video in high definition with minimal motion judder or blur by using increased processing power.

  • High Dynamic Range 

This technology allows the camera to capture both long and short exposures at the same time, eliminating the time lag between them. 

  • Advanced Light Management

Despite how challenging or complex the lighting environment is, 360-degree technology automatically optimises image quality to deliver brighter and noise-free surveillance videos.

  • Advanced Compression 

With real-time adaptive video encoding technology, the latest 360-degree surveillance cameras can now retain the integrity of image quality.

5. Easy Installation 

360-degree camera installation is simple and intuitive without sacrificing high-performance video. When installing other video security systems, the cameras should be properly positioned and refocused. This does not apply to 360-degree cameras, such as hemispheric cameras, as the lenses are fixed in place and do not need to move or spin to record a whole scene. Furthermore, these cameras tend to have a relatively longer lifespan than others, as most of their components are immobile and do not wear out as quickly.

Transform Your Business Security with 360-Degree Video Surveillance 

Are you trying to revamp your company’s IP video surveillance system? Then, SPIRALTECH is here to assist you. We are a Singapore-based IP video solutions company with over two decades of industry experience. Our team consists of dedicated and highly skilled engineers who will assist our clients in system design, technical support, and training. Our 360-degree surveillance camera, MOBOTIX Q71, provides a comprehensive view and enhanced security for your premises. This is the first hemispheric camera to combine IR and LED white light. It has a built-in audio function, and the extensive video system offers an infinite number of analysis choices. Visit our website to discover more about MOBOTIX Q71, or contact us at +65 64441836 today!