In today’s digital era, IP video surveillance systems can be considered vital for maintaining security and monitoring activities in a variety of environments. A video management system (VMS) is a software-based platform that manages and controls video surveillance cameras, recording devices, and other security components. In general, they are utilised by governments, businesses, and other organisations that require large-scale surveillance and security monitoring. As surveillance technology advances, due to the plethora of choices available, selecting the best VMS has become crucial for companies looking to improve their security measures. While numerous factors, including the size of the organisation and the number of recorders available, may impact your final decision, understanding the key features of an excellent enterprise video management system can help you make the right choice. It will ensure that you have the scalability you require for business growth going forward.

Enterprise video surveillance entails more than just recording video with NVRs/DVRs or a VMS; it involves recording as well as managing and maintaining the whole video system. A good enterprise VMS solution can ensure that all of your recording devices are operational at all times, saving you time and money. If you are seeking a video management software for your business, there are some key features to look for that will reduce your workload in the long run. They will serve as a basis to start your search while also allowing you to filter your options. Here are the five key features of an effective enterprise VMS solution.

1. Centralised System Management 

A classic feature of an enterprise VMS is centralised system management. If your company has offices all over the country or even the world, it allows you to view videos from any one of the sites. Centralised management also enables the operation of all recorders and cameras from a single location. With this feature, you can quickly transfer configuration and device settings to all of your video recorders and cameras. It can greatly speed up system administration, especially during the setup stage. It will also save you time on IP video surveillance system maintenance, as you can swiftly deliver firmware updates to multiple devices at once.

2. Customisable User Management 

Administrators of large video systems should be able to regulate system access as they are responsible for a large volume of sensitive data. With an effective business video management software, system administrators can limit who can use the VMS, how often they can access it, and what information they can view. For instance, a security personnel’s access to information may differ from that of the Head of Security. Furthermore, administrators can also track user behaviour by generating detailed reports on each user’s activity.

3. Monitoring System Health 

Nothing is more frustrating than discovering that the required camera is not capturing videos when you decide to investigate an incident using an IP video surveillance system. A high-quality enterprise VMS will provide robust health monitoring capabilities to ensure that all of your cameras and recorders are functional. This feature will promptly notify you of issues such as failing hard drives or camera disconnections, allowing you to quickly resolve the problem. With some enterprise VMS solutions, you can also set customised health thresholds and control when alerts are sent out. For instance, you can configure alerts to inform you of connection issues that last longer than five minutes or occur more than three times per day.

4. Scalability 

A mission-critical security solution must function properly regardless of the size of your organisation. Quick start-up times and lag-free workflows are particularly critical to safeguard the business. Furthermore, a good corporate VMS should be able to accommodate a large, if not limitless, number of recording devices. This ensures that your system can scale to manage new branches or stores as your company expands.

5. Support Third-Party Products 

Generally, video management systems are known to evolve over time. It means that they could include a combination of analogue and IP cameras from various manufacturers as well as an access control system from a different company. A reliable enterprise VMS solution should be able to support all of these devices or, at the very least, provide a path forward by facilitating third-party product integration. It enables you to manage all of your devices and systems through a single interface while providing you the flexibility to choose what works best for you.

How to Select a Video Management Software

When choosing a VMS, you should first identify your business needs and what is most important to you. This helps you determine the features and capabilities you require. So make sure to consider the following aspects when making your choice.

  • Price – Look into the cost of the VMS, as most businesses prefer one that is affordable and has all the features they need.
  • Technology – Inquire about the technology employed since it must be compatible with your company’s IT system.
  • User Friendly – Consider whether the VMS is simple to use, as easy-to-navigate systems will not require any special training.

When it comes to your company security, a reliable enterprise VMS solution will handle the heavy lifting, enabling you to focus on your business.

Discover the Best Enterprise Video Management System for Your Company 

If you are searching for a leading IP video solution provider in Singapore, look no further than SPIRALTECH. With over two decades of industry experience, we provide video management systems that deliver actionable insights for your business requirements. Our solutions are both adaptable and scalable, and we handle everything from installation to maintenance. We employ highly skilled and dedicated engineers who assist our clients with system design, technical support, and training. Reach us at +65 64441836 to direct any of your inquiries today!